Larsa Pippen Plastic Surgery Before and After Nose Job and Botox Injections

Larsa Pippen might not be a household name yet, but her husband (former NBA great Scottie Pippen) is; and with her role on The Real Housewives of Miami, Bravo’s newest hit series centered around rich women yelling at each other, soon she will be too. The reality star, who’s currently believed to be having financial trouble (her and Pippen currently have their home on the market) looks, like most real housewives, like she’s had some serious work done.

From what we can see, she seems to have had a generous breast augmentation (her breasts look good, but seem far too wide for her frame, and far too round and perky for someone who’s had multiple children) that probably included both implants and a lift; she also appears to have had work done on her nose (a rhinoplasty that made her nose ulra-thin and pinched at the tip). Overall, whatever she’s had done, she’s had done well; she looks great for a woman who’s popped out a bunch of babies, and should be done with any major plastic surgeries for the time being.

Plastic Surgery for The Real Housewives of Miami

Native Texan Lea Black has a reputation as a community leader, thanks to her all-American good looks and a Texas sized amount of plastic surgery, including an eyelid lift, browlift and facelift, as well as Botox injections and healthy amounts of facial fillers like Restylane and Juvederm.

Miami plastic surgeon Dr. Michael Salzhauer says, “Lea Black has such a youthful glow to her face.  I think it is mainly because of her very rejuvenated look around her eyes. She appears to have had multiple cosmetic procedures done to her face including an eyelid, brow and face lifts, as well as Botox and dermal fillers to smooth out wrinkles and fill in lines.  She looks very natural and radiant.”

Dr. Paul S. Nassif, a Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon and Rhinoplasty Specialist in Beverly Hills, California says, “Lea Black may have had a browlift, Botox, facial fillers, a necklift, and possibly a facelift at one point.  Overall, any work performed was not too overdone.”

Larsa Pippen, wife of NBA star Scottie Pippen has certainly adopted Miami as her home, complete with a generous breast augmentation. In addition, Larsa has likely also had a plastic surgery mommy makeover, complete with breast lift, liposuction and tummy tuck. Larsa probably had a nose job in the past as well, to help shorten and refine her tip and may get dermal injectables like Botox and Radiesse as well.

Dr. Salzhauer says, “Larsa Pippen has certainly had her nose and breasts done.  Her nose is extremely defined and narrow.  Larsa revealed in the premiere episode of The Real Housewives of Miami that she is of Lebanese decent and stereotypically speaking, Middle Eastern noses have a fuller and downward tip and a more pronounced bridge.  It looks beautiful and very natural and really compliments her face.”

“Her breasts are very large for her petite frame.  After having four children and all the changes her body had to go through, she most likely had a ‘Mommy Makeover’ of sorts to correct any loose skin on her breasts and body.  Again, looks great and very ‘Miami- esque.’”

Dr. Nassif says, “Larsa Pippen appears to have had an overaggressive rhinoplasty at one point.  Her bridge appears very narrow, and her tip is pinched as well. In addition, she may have had Botox and facial fillers.”

Public relations guru Marysol Patton knows how to make her clients look good and has dabbled in plastic surgery herself—whether or not she admits it. Before the show even premiered, Marysol’s mugshot was making the rounds, giving would-be fans the opportunity to see Marysol’s lip augmentation and possible nose job that has left her with a very refined nasal tip. Marysol may share a plastic surgeon with her mother, a frequent guest on the show and a popular figure on gossip blogs, thanks to her scary visage.

Dr. Salzhauer says, “Marysol Patton actually brought up the subject of plastic surgery herself on the premiere episode of The Real Housewives of Miami, and stated that she has not had any cosmetic surgery. Although lip enhancement can be done without undergoing anesthesia and doesn’t involve cutting, it is considered a cosmetic procedure and generally performed by a plastic surgeon.  She did not have those very full lips in the past so I believe she most certainly had injections to augment the size of her lips. As far as her nose, it does appear from the very defined tip yet broader bridge that she did have some type of nose reshaping done.  A Nose Job or Rhinoplasty is considered cosmetic surgery.”

Dr. Nassif says, “Marysol Patton appears to have had an overaggressive browlift and rhinoplasty, lip augmentation which was a bit overdone, Botox, and facial fillers. Overall, any work she had was not performed conservatively.”


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